Byblos is a company that specializes in hand-drawing and decorating glassware.

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High-Quality Engraving
On Glassware

Our Story

The beginning in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1982, the expansion and the establishment of a factory in Syria in 2001, and a factory in Turkey in Istanbul in 2014.
We make your glass products a masterpiece and luxury.

Transform your glassware products into a masterpiece

We will work together to transform your traditional glassware products into a luxurious masterpiece to give your customers a feeling of antiquity and luxury.


40 years of giving glassware
a soul

For 40 years, we have been working within very high-quality standards, as we care about excellence in our designs, and our products have passed many tests and measurements in terms of strength and durability. Our former clients attest to the originality of the art we offer at Byblos and the quality of the raw materials.




At Byblos, we help you source the highest quality, sturdy glassware on the market. Then we design the engraving that serves your desired end goal and the product your customer wants. The design is done by artists and professionals who have been working for years in engraving and decoration. We also have a safe country delivery service.

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Provide your customers
a better experience


At Byblos, we work together to achieve the best possible experience for your customers through high accuracy, skill and professionalism, durability and strength. We will help you make your clients feel they own a masterpiece in their home or office.




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